Did anyone catch the news article last month concerning Oaks that weren't producing any nuts this last year on the East coast? People were describing many dead squirrels and no one had ever noticed this being an issue before? No past history has/had been found about this phenomenon.....
Bad reporting. Acorn crops are, and always have been, cyclical, with heavy production in some years and nil production in others. This has been known for several hundred years, but it seems some journalists can't be bothered to find out about their subject matter (once again, nothing new there!).
~phew!~ I was searching all over the net trying to find more info on that....I know OUR oaks produced abundantly this year...and people I know from the East coast said the same as well. Thanx Michael!
Could be a matter of degree, with fewer acorns over a wider area than usual. I don't know what the article said.
It is the oak's way of getting rid of as many squirrels as they can, so that next time they produce a crop of acorns, they won't all get eaten.
Again, we don't know if they were writing about normal variation or the point was that it was a more severe situation.
Try this link? http://stevesbraccia.wordpress.com/2008/12/15/this-is-nuts/ There are several 'tags' at the end of this article that links u to more stories?