I have this strange plant growing in my garden. It is near some Echinacea and has leaves (and size) similar to the Echinacea, but the "flower" never had pedals as nearly as I could tell. The main "head" has these strange smaller heads growing out from it as well. Hopefully someone will recognize it!
I think it's really a mutant Echinacea! :) http://images.google.hu/images?um=1&hl=hu&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ahu%3Aofficial&hs=Ulw&q=mutant+echinacea&btnG=K%C3%A9pek+keres%C3%A9se
Ditto to Abgardener, an Echinacea suffering from Aster Yellows disease. Incurable, spread by sap-sucking insects. Pull it out and burn it.