Has anyone ever heard of color changing flowers. I found this crowdfunding project on IndieGoGo that is developing color changing petunias that turn red from white using biotechnology. Are there there other types of flowers that can change color? link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/color-changing-flowers#comments
Yes, Pulmonaria is one such an example. "The colour of the flower in bud is often pink, which then changes as the flower matures." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonaria
Some flowers open one colour and fade to another or deepen shade as they grow. Such as opening white and maturing pink or red. One plant that can be changed with chemistry is hydrangea. Some types form pink or blue flowers depending on soil chemistry.
Then there are the members of the Boraginaceae that start out blue and fade to yellow post-pollination. I recall this happens in other families as well. This is more interesting: Bidirectional Flower Color and Shape Changes Allow a Second Opportunity for Pollination
One common example in western North America is Trillium ovatum, which starts as a white flower and changes to pink or purple with age.