Hello I´m new to the forum. I live in Colombia in the western mountain range at 2100m and encounter many plants I would like to identify. Here´s one. It is about three feet tall. Can anyone give me an idea what it might be?
I recognise the same plant from the cloud forests of about that altitude here in Ecuador. The locals call them "Sangrientos" (Bleeders.) The Field Museum's Tropical Plant Guide is an excellent resource for IDing unfamiliar Andean plants. I'll be having a look through it for your plant, and I suggest that you do too. Other Andean mysteries? Bring 'em on! I spend a lot of time in the forests; I can probably help.
Thank you lorax. I didn´t find it in the Field Mueum link. "Sangrientos" is a good name for it and I tried that too but no luck. If I run accross anything else interesting I´ll be sure to post.
Thanks - I'll also ask my Kichua friends what they call it; I may be able to find it in my records that way.
Carlos thank you, it certainly does. Now I´m having trouble finding what species would be native to Colombia (if indeed it is native).
Found one of my photos of the Ecuadorean ones - this is G. cauliflora. The genus has recently been amalgamated to Pavonia, which may help you in your search.