Wildflowers: Colombia: A Cecropia?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Pitter, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Pitter

    Pitter Active Member 10 Years

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    Yumbo, Valle, Colombia
    I don't really think it is but it's vaguely similar. Hard to see in the photos but the leaf branches are coursely serrated. Plant in photo is about two meters tall.

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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    @Pitter, have you figured this out in the ten years since you posted it? Two years ago I must have been looking for something else you posted and set a reminder to look at it again. It's taken me two years to look at the reminder, and that probably only happened because I somehow lost half of my emails marked as unread.

    Pl@ntNet is giving less than 1% chance that this is Manihot esculenta, but that's what I thought of when I saw the photos and why I wanted to get back to it. It gives 1.3% to M. esculifolia, but that doesn't impress me as much. It gives Fatsia polycarpa a 28% likelihood, though I don't know that you'd find an Asian tree in this location. It seems that seeing fruits would help a lot.

    Cecropia are supposed to have peltate leaves, not the case here.
  3. Pitter

    Pitter Active Member 10 Years

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    Yumbo, Valle, Colombia
    Yes Wendy I believe it is Oreopanax incisus. They call it Mano de Oso or bear's hand here.
    wcutler likes this.

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