Hello, so this is my window, it's old, single pane with lots of drafts. Currently I have a orchid, passion flower (standard white and purple kind) jasmine, lemon, eucalyptus, and fictus plant all doing awesome! The plant with the arrow pointing to it is a sad passion flower (all purple flower) it's yellowing, and wilting. I don't understand why it's dying. Now, I know this window gets super cold, so I have just today, lined the inside of the window with really thick plastic. Like 3x shower curtain thickness kind of plastic. I can't feel the draft anymore, so I really hope this makes a difference. As you can see the window sill is really deep, should I hang a second piece of the plastic over the window, so it makes like a mini green house? or would it keep the cold in at night? what do you guys think? Also any other suggestions to help my window do well over the winter that would help. Also, I'm in Ontario 5a,
Thinking that the marble (appearing) ledge might be pretty cold too. Sheet of styrofoam-like substance under plants, maybe? What you have done is good: the draft-sealing should be done between window and plants, not between plants and room. What is the temp of the room? Humidity? In winter air in centrally-heated houses gets quite dry. OK for cacti, but not so with tropical plants. Do suggest you get a thermometer/hygrometer so that you know what the readings are to start with, and how your efforts are affecting conditions. Since your plants are doing well, I'd say the goal would be to maintain current environment. Dunno about passion flower, but I am sure that the Forum membership may be relied upon to advise.
Alright, I'm going to snag the temp/hydro monitor from my chameleon tank and stick it in the window for a 24h reading, and I'll re post. You are correct that the marble shelf is freezing to the touch! I'll get a slab of Styrofoam for it, thanks for the suggestion. I'm really not sure how I would raise the humidity in that area. That's why I was thinking the extra plastic in front of the window sill during the day might keep the humidity up, but I would probably have to remove it at night. Plants are doing well atm, but once the real cold hits I know it will be a struggle
Well...if you put a reptile heating pad under the styrofoam (or foam insulation sheet---non-flammable!) and turned it on LOW, then the additional plastic curtain would keep the heat in. Misting would increase humidity. What exposure is the window? Would be interesting to know how much temp/light fluctuates during the day, and how low temp gets at night.
So, I've kept the thermometer in the window looks like so far it goes from 59-96 depending on if the sun is out that day. So I know 59 is pretty cold, I am going to look into getting some foam to set the plants on for sure. humidity ranges from 20-60% so I think that is good for the orchid. I really hope I can get the temp up a little more. Lots of condensation collectes now that I have that extra layer of plastic over the window, but stops the draft.
I might also suggest hanging a heat lamp over the plants if they are getting too cold - it would also prevent the wild temperature swings you are getting.