I posted a request for help in repotting a Clivia in June 2006. In September 2006 I repotted a 16 year old Clivia with seven or eight plants and because I was unwilling to divide and ruin a wonderful form, I undertook some very light root trimming and placed the plant in a shallower but wider pot than had held it rootbound since its last potting up about three years earlier. Water was witheld from early November till mid January and the spectacular blooms appeared in March and will doubtless bloom again in a month or two!
These do well here in drought conditions. A friend has a long row of them along her back porch. The say that they like shade but these plants get a lot of afternoon sun and seem to flower and thrive. Mine are growing in shade conditions and are no where near as showy as yours and hers. I have moved some to a more open position to see what they do. Liz
They are forest dwellers in South Africa from summer rainfall areas. Dry in winter, moist but not wet in summer and no full sun which will burn the leaves in short order. Simon