Clivia won't flower

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Chungii V, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Hi again to everyone,
    I have 2 healthy Clivia plants (one orange, one yellow), they've been in tall pots for about 2 years. I have attached photos to show position. The bamboo screen does allow a little filtered light onto the plants. I have seen these things flower in the darkest corners of the nurseries I've worked so I didn't think light would be an issue. They are only watered once a week and fertilised every 6-8 weeks. The orange one has flowered twice and the yellow once. Both flowered not long after coming home with me and the orange once after that. I have been told the yellow is not as prolific but 1 flowering in 2 years? Are they getting enough light or should I move them into my garden? I am a bit disappointed as I got them for flowering in a shady spot but they're not doing it.

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  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
  3. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    C. miniata sorry. thanks for the info link I was going to split them and try 1/2 where they are and 1/2 out in a better lit position. That is until I read that splitting them will hold back flowering for a couple of years. I'll just leave them potted for the rest of this season and try a better lit position. Although they do well in shade the info suggested too dark a position will be detrimental to flowering.
  4. bertoli55

    bertoli55 Active Member 10 Years

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    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Chungi V
    I have had better luck getting Clivia to flower with some direct sunlight or at least periods of filtered light. I have several large clumps of Clivia -miniata & 'oz nobilis' and have many seedlings growing from both plants. The clumps in the shade have richer colours but don't seem to flower as profusely for me. As mine are in the ground they get watered 3 times per week by our sprinkler system and lots of seaweed/ fish emulsion.

    Our local council has C.miniata growing in a nearby park under large London Plane trees. They have heavy shade in summer but are exposed in winter - they flower beautifully.

    Clivias love being root bound -even under trees they quickly form a massive mat of roots. I have better luck growing things in the ground - our savage summers and water restrictions make it easier to grow things in well mulched soil. My Clivias never looked back after being planted out.
    Wish i could send you some seeds so that you could experiment with sunlight/shade.
    The photo is of one group of my clivia in morning sun
    ciao bertoli

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  5. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Yeah I've had to plant a few things out to get the best from them. We have so much rain here restrictions are pretty close to non existant. I was pretty amused when the restrictions were cut back to hand watering between 5pm and 7am and everyone began to stress. Meanwhile rest of Australia is watering with buckets of bath water. I've lived with just tank water and I don't think people realise how much they take turning on a tap for granted.

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