Appreciation: Clerodendrum bungei - tall shrub with pink flower heads

Discussion in 'How's It Growing?' started by wcutler, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    This is my first Clerodendrum bungei - I didn't even know the name, but Clerodendrum bungei Steud., Glory-flower (World flora) - Pl@ntNet identify ( was pretty sure of the ID based on my first photo. This is a tall shrub that in this dense shaded setting in the Stanley Park Rhododendron Garden is growing mostly vertically, some plants twice my height, with the inflorescences at the branch tips. I have read in other postings here that the leaves smell terrible, but I didn't know to investigate that. I didn't notice anything when I was there.
    Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_160641.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_160859.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_160950.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_161253.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_161328.jpg
    Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_160724.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_161039.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20210915_161228.jpg
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    There are still a few flowers on this Clerodendrum bungei, and they're close enough to reach. In less than one month, I totally forgot what this was, even didn't recognize it browsing the thread titles, finally did a search here for "pink" posted by me, saved me a lot of time.
    Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20211005_145809.jpg Clerodendrum bungei_StanleyParkBikePath_Cutler_20211005_145824.jpg

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