I recently purchased a Peppermint Evipo 005 Clematis. Flowers are gorgeous, cream colored stars on the outside, varigated purple and white cluster on the inside. When I bought the plant, the shop indicated it was an "indoor" clematis yet the instructions on the tag refer to planting in a "hole". Can this plant be planted outside? If so where and when?
Hi Jonel, I was unable to find any info on Clematis Peppermint 'Evipo 005' when i searched the web other then 2 sites that mention it but give no other information. It's probably a new cultivar. Since the shop said to keep it indoors, it probably isn't hardy in your zone. Some clematis are tender and can't take freezing weather. If you have the tag, you might try the website of the grower and see if you can find any information that way. Newt
I know this was posted awhile back, but was wondering how you got on with your clematis, i bought one today and would welcome some tips. It was sold as an indoor one.
You'd need a cool, bright greenhouse to grow clematis inside. Here's a page on this particular one that is pretty good: http://www.paghat.com/clematis-peppermint.html I bought one of these in flower for my mother at Trader Joe's. It's not doing much in the garden, but she didn't know how to manage it properly while it was in the pot, then stuck it in a bad spot under a paper birch.
I purchased Clematis 'Peppermint' from the local grocery store! It is in my alpine house and seems to get better every day. It came trained on hoop, the vine being much more delicate than than even alpine clematis. Leaves small and yellow-green. I'd like to see someone try to train my 'Guernsey Cream' clematis (grows on the outside of the alpine house) on a hoop! 'Peppermint's' leaves are smaller as well. There are 16 blooms and more to come. The whole thing is about 18" tall. Needs quite a bit of water, and once I discovered that it became better looking every day. However I too would appreciate some cultural hints. The blooms are about 2" across, almost cream but with a green cast. Centres are green (not purple) and tightly curled like chrysanthemum buds. Altogether a delightful plant.
Hi Eswyn, Neat plant!! I found this info by following the link posted previously by Ron. http://www.guernsey-clematis.com/collections.asp?collection=GARLAND Newt
Although this is an old thread, I wondered how your clematis Peppermint Evipo 005 was coming along. This clematis is hardy to zone 6 so should be o.k. in B.C. unless you are far north.
Thank you for your reply. I live on Vancouver Island and keep the Clematis in my Alpine House - that is lots of ventilation and no heat. It looked pretty dead over winter, but put on new leaves early this spring. It now has about five blooms and I'm sure there will be more to come. Eswyn.