Hello, Im new and need some help. I recently bought a Clematis and transplanted it into a different container. I have the plant on the east side of the house and the roots (or as my mom called them, feet) are in the shade. The problem I have is that some of the leaves have developed rust colored spots. Is that due to the transplant, location or just shock from the transplant? Otherwise the plant is doing well. Thanks for any help. Lilmech
Does it look like clematis leaf spot? http://www.uky.edu/Ag/NurseryInspection/newsletter/98news/septem98.htm. Or rust? http://www.members.bush.org.nz/plantgrow/fact.cfm?species=Clematis%20afoliata. I have not seen either of these yet, but I have seen clematis wilt. If you are in South Dakota, then apparently you need not worry about slugs devouring your clematis!