I recently purchased two Niobe clematis hybrid from wal-mart and i have a few questions about it. What type of fertilizer should i give it? How often should i fertilize it? How do i collect seeds from it? How do i propagate these seeds? and last but not least, Where are clematises native to?
Sample soil and have it analyzed before fertilizing. 'Niobe' is a garden hybrid, not likely coming very true from seed. If you wish to try some anyway, if it produces fertile seed they will be in fluffy heads. When the taillike appendage attached to each seed unfurls and the heads start to shatter, they are ripe.
Hi Chiko, Here's some sites that should be helpful as well. You can get info on Niobe at this first site as well as others. http://www.clematis.org/ http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/clematis/clemindx.htm http://www.rainyside.com/ornamentals/clematis_care.html http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/clematis/index.htm Newt