I just found this fruit in my friend fruit bowl. can anybody define it and give such details as possible. The fruit is about 3 inches (7.5 cm) diameter, with a very rough skin about 1/2" (15 mm) deep. Is it edible, or does it serve as decoration only? What is its name and how does it grow? Please advise. Thanks
Citrus medica 'Etrog' I know UCR - University of California Riverside is growing this particular tree. I first learned of it years ago from the Lindcove Field Station. I finally found a digital pic and it's from an old friend (Dillon). http://www.fourwindsgrowers.com/varieties/etrog/ Just in case the photo does not come up. You can get to it from this URL. http://www.fourwindsgrowers.com/variety_list.html#7 Below are some URL's that may be helpful for you if you did not already have some knowledge of the information. http://www.hanefesh.com/edu/Holidays/Sukkot.htm www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE011223.html http://www.keithbrooks.com/caring.html http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/rfcj/SUKKOT/Fruit_Citron_EtrogEsrog_JamJelly_-_pareve.html http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/rfcj/O...range_or_Citron_EtrogEsrog_Peel_-_pareve.html Jim
etrog Thanks mr.shep I never saw the inside of an etrog and etrog as I know it has a nipple (very important for Jewish religious use). this specific fruit has none. Probably therefore it was found defective and used for decoration only. Thanks again.