I bought some three chrysanthenum in 10 Cm pot, all have flowers on them, as we all know this is not the normal time for them to flower as they are being "forced", I bought them in order to take cutting from them to use it in my home gardem, my qustion is " is it possible to take cutting from them", thanks
It sure is possible - I do it all the time! : O I take cuttings from my mums and root them in well-draining, light, soil. I mist the cuttings daily, and if they appear wilted, I put a glass or plastic covering over them, to serve as a little 'greenhouse' until they've rooted. Keep them in bright light, but no direct sunshine. They usually take about 3-4 weeks to root, but it depends on your environment - they could root much sooner. I dip the ends of the cuttings in some powdered rooting hormone, and use a pencil to make a hole, then plunk the cutting down into the hole and pack the soil back around the stem. All and all, it is a pretty easy process. Here is a picture of the result of a mum cutting I rooted last year... : ) Good luck... P.S. Wait until they are done flowering and in vegetative growth before taking the cuttings to root them.