How do I get my plant to flower? I am growing underlights,and am not useing a black light does this make a difference
how long have you had your plant for ??.. i had gotten mine 2 yreas ago and it didnt flower last year .. but this year it did .. and i didnt do the put it away in the dark cool place.. i just left it getting morning sun and it bloomed this year.. i think it is more the plant knows when to bloom Marn
with mine, i just leave them in full sun all day and they bloom profusely at chistmas and easter times
No special treatment here either, various clones flowering every year from smallest size under ordinary indoor conditions. None are placed right under lights that are on at night, however, just near them--if that matters.
Give it either total darkness at night until buds set and/or cooler temperatures, in the 50-55F. range. Happy new year to all! Tom
Ours is long gone. But when we had it, I just left it in the exact same spot, on a southwest facing window seal so it gets full sun. I had flowered every year for 5 years until 3 years ago, when water left over in the pot brought about it's demise. I believe that it needs the cycling of long hot days of summers, against the shot cooler days of winter to get it to bloom. I know the accepted suggestion is to provide this cycle by artificially shortening day light hours by putting it into a dark cupboard, and not letting it see light except for shot periods in the day. It just seems too much work for me!
thanks for the advise maybe its the temperture I keep the cellar about 70 all the time. I have just repotted it see if that helps.thanks again
Give it upper 50's to low 60's and t'll bud in a few weeks. 70 is too high. They like it cool when it's time to bud. Tom (In the currently snowy Hudson Valley of N.Y.)
Make sure that your cactus is in nice rich soil. I put mine outside on a shady patio in May and leave them out till nearly frost. The shock of being cold then warm makes them bud up. Different varieties do this at different speeds---I have a white one that will start making buds within days after I bring it in. Others take much longer. After bringing your cactus inside, keep it cool and on the dry side, and in bright filtered sunlight. And yes, the plant will choose its own time to bloom!
Use NATURAL light only, no artificial light. Like mentioned, you want to keep the plant cool in order to set buds, even after it flowers, it will keep the buds coming longer and flowers lasting longer. Re-potting near flowering time can delay or prohibit flowering. Once in bud you don't want to turn the plant until the buds are at least a 1/2 to an inch long. The neck of the buds are still soft and weak when small. If they have to turn their heads in the opposite direction at that point, you could see lots of bud drop.