I received 3 cuttings about 6 months ago. Some have roots poking through, but one that doesn't has what looks like a whole new cactus coming out of it. The part it's growing out of looks like its shriveling. What can I do to optimize this new growth? Will it be getting enough water from the cutting,which doesn't have roots yet? Should I remove it from the old cutting and pot it by itself?
What? The skin? The bottom of the pot? It is not a christmas cactus, but probably one of the many thousands of hybrids between Epiphyllum and similar genera that have been produced. Looks perfectly normal to me, I would not cut anything off yet, but you can do that if you want to, it will not ruin anything. Cacti can grow offsets despite having only small or no roots, but the new growth is often thinner that it should be. I cut off the thin stems once the roots have been established.