I have been trying to raise these plants for years. I have a few of them in hanging baskets on my patio which doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight. Also have a couple on tables close to the house, also on the patio, that don't get any direct sunlight. A couple of my plants that don't get any direct sunlight have branches that have turned purple. Anyone know how much direct sunlight they require or can withstand? Thanks, Joe
Original wild species cloud forest epiphytes where they may perhaps grow out in the open on the tops of exposed branches, but probably seldom experience anything like blazing heat and withering sunshine seen in your area. I find various forms extremely easy here in this much cooler part of the country as house plants receiving extremely minimal care. Growth is very slow under my cultural regime but they flower pretty consistently; a few of my specimens I have had since 1970.
Thanks Ron! I suspect that our weather here in the Houston, Texas area is dramatically different than yours. Fortunately, we live close enough to the Gulf of Mexico that with the heat comes a lot of humidity so we don't really experience the "blazing heat and withering sun" I experienced in Tucson or Phoenix, AZ. And we do get weather in the 40's often Dec to Feb and have had two light freezes this winter. But as I said originally, I was wondering just how much direct sunlight was best. Will try rotating the plants to different locations every few days and see if that improves their condidtion. Otherwise, like you, it is my experience that they don't require a great deal of attention. Joe
To the best of my understanding they "require" any direct sunlight. Here they are kept mainly as houseplants. Bright, indirect light works fine. I would guess that how much they can handle depend on how much they are used to.
I would not rotate them every few days, it takes a few weeks or longer for the plants to acclimatize to different environments. Having just said that , try one plant in differents locations, all out of direct sunlight, out of any rain showers, and any freezing pockets in your yard.
Main difference between there and Arizona would be humidity. Zygocacti not supposed to like high temperatures.
They do not require direct sunlight, just bright shade. Mine grow under my backyard patio roof. I water well when they dry out. I fertilize every 2 weeks with half strength miracle grow. That's it. I leave them out side in the fall until we get close to first frost, by then the cool temps and less light level have caused the plant to set flower buds. Then I bring them inside and put in their spots and I do not move them.