I came across this interesting mushroom, on the internet not the field. https://i.imgur.com/RdzwjQq.jpg
While it appears to be a bolete, I can't quite get the ID. I found it on reddit, too, and there are multiple assuring IDs of it as several different species. I'm more of a Victorian style naturalist, very much a dilettante. I expect to see a caterpillar smoking a hookah and hanging a sign on it: "Eat me if you dare." But even people who think they know what this is say it is too far gone in maturity to eat it, and some say it was never edible. Ah, the internet can be so frustrating.
Gorgeous! Soooo looks like chocolate sauce :-) Does it indicate somewhere in what region this beastie was found?
On reddit, the suggested IDs are: porcini, cep, penny bun, Boletus regineus, Suillus sp. perhaps Slippery Jack, Suillus brevipes short stem slippery jack, Imleria badia bay bolete or in Poland podgrzybek, Suillus luteus (Germany) Butterpilz or Butter mushroom, Gyroporus castaneus, Boletus aereus. Of course reddit is about as reliable as wikipedia: sometimes useful as a starting point. Some of the people who indicated a region in connection with their IDs were in Poland, Germany, Great Britain. Some sort of pine needles and birch type leaves. I think I recognize the moss, but couldn't name it. Don't recognize the fly. The reddit photo refers back to the imgur one. I don't know how to backtrack on imgur.
Thanks thanrose, Yes I had some doubts as to whether there would be a location provided. Identification attempts without approximate region are painful on many levels, with wild sprinklings of inaccuracy, and a soupcon of concern <grin>. Sure is pretty though :-)