Two or three times a year, my plant grows a BUNCH of seed pods filled with lots of very small seeds. When the pods dry and crack open a bit, I'll throw the seeds back in with the mother plant (soil is always a little moist) and I'll kinda stir them into the soil a little. Some I'll just throw onto the surface. Other seeds will be thrown into the soil of other houseplants, but still, nothing ever grows for some reason:( Has anyone grown this plant from seed successful? This link may answer some of your questions.
Try drying the seeds out for 2 or three weeks. then soak them overnite. Then plant each seed in seprate pots and keep the dirt moist. Hopfally theay will sprout in a few weeks. :)
Hi Blake, I think I will give your suggestion a try (dry 2 weeks, soak overnight and plant) since I have already tried what the link suggested. I also tried just letting the seeds natually fall out of the pods on their own, back into mother pot and still, not seeing a darn thing. Thank you:)
I realize that this is an old thread, but I'm looking at 8 baby fire flashes right now. I don't know if it was dumb luck, but I just sprinkled them on the surface of a very moist potting mix in a jar and put a piece of clear cellophane over the lid. I kept them near a flourescent light source and they sprouted within the week. I brought more from home that weren't sprouting into the same conditions and they took off within the week. Hope that helps.
verdekaleb. That's a decent amount you were able to germinate! I soaked a few and threw them in different pots this time, well, one sprouted so far. It's in the same pot as the mother plant, kinda hidden under the leaves. but it seems to be doing ok, still tiny, less then an inch tall. It might be one I sprinkled, or one that naturally fell down into the soil, either way, I'm happy to at least get one! I'll definitely try the jar & cellophane method next year! Thanks for posting!
I've let a few fall into the mother pot and am yet to see any sprout from there. The "mini-greenhouse" has worked very well in the past for encouraging anything that doesn't need really deep roots. The mix I've used is moist throughout, with no water at all after planting, about 1/4 potting mix, 1/4 peat, 1/4 perlite, and 1/4 sphagnum, probably a little heavier on the peat actually, but you get the idea. The ones dropped in and just barely roughed around on the surface definitely did better than some others I intentionally put under a thin layer of soil. Good luck!
Thank you very much for the added information! Every bit helps, especially if you keep trying and trying, and your just not getting the results you want. Much appreciated:)
The best results I've had so far with these (which is not in the PATSP link above) happened when I tried to sprout some under lights in yogurt cups, got frustrated with it taking so long, and then dumped them out in my regular potting soil. As soon as I started repotting my other plants with the seed-contaminated soil, they all sprouted. So the secret to sprouting them is (at least partially) to stop wanting to sprout them. Longer version of the above: