Identification: Chihuahuan Desert Cacti

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by bluSch, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. bluSch

    bluSch Member

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    New York City, USA
    I brought these back from the desert outside of El Paso, TX a few years ago and I've yet to identify them. I could also use a few tips as to how much water I should be giving them, as the paddle shaped one seems to be hurting.

    The shape of the second and subsequent paddles are much less round than the first one and the donor plant's. The furthest out ones hardly resemble the original cactus. I also had a specimen resembling a segmented miniature barrel cactus, and I'm wondering if there was some genetic crossover or other influence on my cacti.

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    Last edited: Sep 9, 2011

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