cherry tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Annageckos, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Annageckos

    Annageckos Active Member 10 Years

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    Levittown, PA USA
    My Mom has a small cherry tree. I don't know what type, it was there when we bought the house. the tree is maybe about 6ft tall and the cherries are small, light red and tart, good for baking. This tree was growing next to the origial tree, but a few years ago the 1st tree snapped at the base. This small tree gives us tons of cherries every year(as long as we beat the birds to it). But my Mom wants to trim the tree and I don't know when the right time is to trim it, and when ever my Mom trims a plant she either kills it or gets poison ivy.(No kidding)So she has left it to me. Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. Ade901

    Ade901 Member

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    Somerset UK
    I would think what you have is a Morello Cherry. Take a look at for a description and picture.

    As to pruning the tree - do it when it is growing. Cherries are "stone fruit" just like plums, apricots, peaches etc and the whole family is prone to catch Silver Leaf disease which is a killer. It enters through wounds in the bark (such as pruning cuts). So if you cut in the spring or summer when the sap is rising it acts as a natural defence against silver leaf. Also paint all pruning cuts with something like Prune 'n Seal.

    Good Luck
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Sounds like variety may be a rootstock seedling or cultivar.

    Why does she want to prune it? What is the objective? A mere 6' tall specimen probably really isn't doing anything that calls for cutting back. As you may gather from previous response it is often better to not be cutting into cherry trees unless necessary - more than one kind of problem can result.
  4. Annageckos

    Annageckos Active Member 10 Years

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    Levittown, PA USA
    The tree has a lot of branches low to the ground, and it's a little crazy in growth. Alot of branches on one side but fewer on the other(where the older tree was) It looks lopsided.

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