There is a 15 year old Cherry Tree growing about 4 feet from the wall of my house. Is there any danger of the roots damaging the concrete wall of the basement ? The main roots are well established & visible in some places. They have gone off in different directions away from the foundation. I am trying to save the tree as there are people threatening to cut it down. Is there any danger of large roots damaging the foundation if they haven't already. ( they haven't ) Thank you in advance.
From my observation (I love to observe plants' ways) plants are very intelligent living organisms and have amazing ability to send their roots where food and water is. There is neither in the concrete. Besides, there is a common custom to plant Peach and Apricot trees very close to the S facing wall of the houses, often as close as 2 feet. All three (Cherry, Peach and Apricot) are in the same genus Prunus. Don't take what I say as a guarantee that your tree will not do any damage to your foundations though, I can't give it, but I am pretty sure there should be no problems.