Hi, this is my first time growing cherry tomatoes. My plants are about 4ft tall and have been flowering about 1 month but no tomatos. I am also in Louisiana and it is about 95 degrees daily average. I read they will not produce tomatos in this hot and humid of weather. Will I get tomatoes when it cools down, that is as long as it is not too close to winter? My other question is, now the leaves on my cherry tomato plants are turning yellow then brown and eventuly dying off. It only seems to be the branches at the bottom of my plant. I can not see any bugs, could it be sun damage even if they only get about 4 hours of sunlight daily? I also have had a problem with red spider mites on some different flowered pots, which I have treated with Melathion. Although I have yet to see one red spider mite on my tomato plants nor any of the symptoms of spider mites. Could Melathion be causing my tomato leaves to turn yellow and brown? Any advice is appreciated, thank you!
I think its quite natural for the leaves on the bottom of the plant to slowly die. I have been growing both cherry and plum tomato plants and they have been doing the same thing, along with all of my neighbor's tomatoes, and they arent too worried about it either. Not quite sure why it happens, but someone else will hopefully come along and explain that...
Thank you so much! I was starting to worry I was killing them from the root. They do have new growth coming in where the old leaves/branches died. Thank you again!