It's easy to make root cuttings from some species, among them Malus and Prunus. Here are two that I made in mid-February 2020. March 2020 : Today. I put one of them inside the house during the nights (17-19°C) for a week to make it flower earlier : And they flower in the 2nd or 3rd year. March 21 and March 22 :
I just realized that you can move the slider back up to 12 hours, so you can see what it looked like earlier in the day. These don't look any farther along than the 'Akebono' trees in Vancouver's West End.
The trees on the UW Quad appear to be in full bloom today (March 18). Here is the link again: (35) UW Cherry Blossom Cam (facing west from Miller Hall) - YouTube. You can back up to when the sun is out.