Hi there: I have a European Fan Palm, my first palm ever. I've had it for about 3 months. It seems pretty happy so far, and is full of flowers. My question is, is there any chance of getting any viable seeds from it? Thank you
When windmill palms fruit in the region viable seeds are gotten from those. In fact, I've seen spontaneous seedlings come up in one mild location. It looks like your fan palm is fruiting.
Thanks Ron. So these are fruits? not flowers? When they dry they'll have viable seeds in them? It's self-fertile?
This palm is dioecious; male and female plants have to be present for pollination: Chamaerops humilis L. Is it warm enough in your area for it to be planted outside?
Junglekeeper, thank you. Do you know how I could tell a male from a female if I get another? Q2, maybe. I'm zone 7. I know people in the area who successfully keep palms. It's in a protected all-day-sunny spot and I plan to give it a warm coat/xmas lights/and an umbrella all winter. ;o)
Yes, another example producing flowers of the right gender needs to be nearby - often the case with windmill palms in urban neighborhoods down here.