21 August 2009 Celery. Four plants were allowed to grow without hilling.The stalks are not blanched due to this. Plants were purchased from a supplier and placed in ground in April. Flavor is quite strong, and the stalks and leaves are particularly tasty in soups.
I grew my celery from seed on May 30th, after our last frost. We now have several celery plants with very strong flavor (very salty!). We used the square foot garden method, planting in raised beds. We haven't had a single problem with our celery.
If you want stronger celery, I have Chinese ones. They are more slender, tough, and very strong in flavour.
Ha- sounds like we all have strong celery! I will definitely grow this type of celery again, as the bland ones from the store won't cut it for me any longer.
Oh, so the REAL celery is not bland. I didn't know that. Maybe I can try some of those stalk celeries next year. In the meantime if you want Chinese celery seeds, check out They have a good collection of very interesting Chinese vegetables (many of those are hybrids, which means you do need to buy seeds every time).