Common name = pochote. Bombacaceae. Endemic to Mexico. Tree of low tropical deciduous forest and various types of desert scrub. This photo was taken during my time in the Peace Corps working in the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Biosphere Reserve in southern Puebla and northern Oaxaca, Mexico. The center part of the seeds of this fruit is edible, the outer wool was used as stuffing for pillows, and the "pezones" or corky projections on the bark are used for wood carvings. The area where I worked is loaded with terrific endemics, especially cacti and succulents, Bursera, Fabaceae and euphorbs, with a total species count around 3,000 for an area of approximately a half million hectares. I couldn't decide on just one species to submit. I have a rather extensive photo collection and I'd like to bring more attention to this very cool botanical hotspot by submitting several unique species from the Reserve. Thanks for taking a look.