would someone please offer suggestions to help us save our hedge, we live in Parksville, Vancouver island. The hedge us about 8 years old, it is turning brown, we face south. wondering if this is due to last years drought. The browning started about 1 month ago and is rapidly spreading , we have applied new soil at the base of each shrub and watered daily, any advise would be greatly appreciated.
They're Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), not Cedar (Cedrus). Unfortunately, the brown ones are dead, or so nearly dead as that they won't ever be densely foliaged again (at best, a few branches surviving, giving an open crown when the dead foliage eventually drops off). A bad drought could certainly cause this. Not a lot you can do other than remove and replace - sorry it's not better news!
Thank you for your information, yes, bad news . Would you recommend replacing with the same or replacing all with something a little tougher , I am new to gardening and really appreciate wisdom.
Might be as well to look for something more heat and drought tolerant, given the way the climate is going!