I live in Ottawa, Ontario, and have a cedar hedge bordering our house that is about 12 feet high. The foliage is rather sparse in a few places. What should we be feeding our hedge to ensure good growth? And when should we prune the hedge?
Hi Nancy, Best time to prune is late winter. Take a look here for info. http://www.treehelp.com/trees/cedar/thuja-occidentalis.asp http://www.emmitsburg.net/gardens/articles/frederick/2003/prune_evergreen.htm http://users.bestweb.net/~habitat/pruning.htm Newt
I'm having the same problem with my cedars - 12 foot high plus, 80 foot long garden bed, were pruned two years ago, now October starting to show brown foilage all over...this is the same for a newer hedge which is only about 8 feet high...what should we be doing???
Hi there, Although cedar hedges can be pruned almost any time I would recommend mid to late summer. The middle of August is nice as most of the severe heat is over and much of the growth is complete. For a very well kept hedge late June and early September is good. Fertilizer can be purchased for evergreens. Look for something like 12-4-4 or 30-10-10 (30-10-10) is just more concentrated. The numbers are percentages. First number = Nitrogen - greenery Second Number = Phosphate - flower/fruit Third Number = Potash - root development I would be careful not to over fertilize. Just follow the directions and you should be fine. Jon