Our hedge is over 40 yrs old. We have made some attempts to trim it but it has really grown. Someone suggested that we should remove it and start a new hedge. They indicated that hedges have a limited life. I question this. Help.
Well you might have trouble getting it to behave as a trimmed hedge if it has gone too far. Once a hedge is trimmed it will not reshoot unless it is the tips. We have one near us and the goats did a job on it and now there are holes and no re growth. A photo might help people decide if it is too far gone(grown) to be trimmed up. Liz
Liz makes a good point. Cedars can reshoot but if they are getting a bit on in years sometimes they'd just rather give up the ghost or it'll take a long time for new growth to fill in. My neighbour hacked back their huge hedge but it was only reshooting very little so they've already but another row of cedars beside it which looks rather odd. The older hedge seems to be getting worse all the time now.