Hedges: Cedar Hedge Help

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by wave1, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. wave1

    wave1 Member

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    Hi All;

    Looking for some expert opinion

    I have a large Cedar hedge (Thuja occidentalis???) in my back yard (approx 100 feet long) and it has experienced damage to approx 30% of the hedge due to my neighbour piling a large stack of firewood almost against it for approximately 8 months. The damage seems to be just to the "leaves", (I assume from lack of sun light) they have turned brown and in some spots are falling off but the actual wood seems alive and fine.

    This hedge has been on the property for 20 years and has always been extremely healthy until this unfortunate placement of a couple cord of wood! I was wondering what are the chances of this coming back (firewood has been moved away) and what I should do to encourage growth - should trim it back?, fertilize? it etc etc.. we are experiencing a very early & warm spring and it would be nice to get a jump on this --any help/advice would be appreciated, I really do not want to damage it anymore.
  2. tsugajunkie

    tsugajunkie Active Member

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    SE Wisconsin
    I would cut nothing off at this time of year. Perhaps wait until May or so. Your best hope is what is in the buds and the further back you cut the less chance for viable buds. Brushing off whatever brown comes off by hand may give you a clue of your chances. Any chance of a pic?

  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Just leave it to respond to the change in circumstances as best it can, on its own.

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