I have a 14' tall by 40 foot long cedar hedge. Over this last year some of the ends of the branches are turning brown. In paticualar one section is 1' wide and some 20 feet long. This is on the side of the road. I don't want this to spread. Any ideas on how to stop this.
Is the damage on the side that faces the road? And do your roads get salted in winter? If this is salt damage -- which sounds possible -- there's sadly not much you can do, except perhaps to lobby the local highway department to ease up on salt usage. But it might be something else. If you could post a picture, the experts (not me) can better advise you. Assuming it is salt-related, the trees will be okay (unless the damage becomes more extreme) but the affected parts might be permanently disfigured, if the branches have died back.
Yes the road does get salted in the winter. I will try and post a picture. At this point it is just the tips that are affected.