I live smack dab in the middle of a cedar glade and clay soil. Is there any thing I could plant that would grow well? Either the dogs or I kill everything I plant. Is there a grass that would grow well, or flowers? The grass will get alot of traffic with the 3 large dogs.
The cedar forests in the wild I've visited in Turkey had very little in the way of ground cover - photos: http://www.pinetum.org/PhotoMPF/cedlib1.gif http://www.pinetum.org/PhotoMPF/cedlib2.gif http://www.pinetum.org/PhotoMPF/cedlib3.gif I'd be surprised if you can grow cedars well in Arkansas, though - are you sure of the identity?
Apparently the reference is to Thuja occidentalis (commonly also known as Northern White Cedar), which is native to Arkansas, rather than to Cedrus.
I'm liking large flat rocks with pennywort growing between them for the area. I bet a Japanese spreading yew would grow well there. I saw one in a friend's garden and it reminded me of hemlock. The puppy dogs are the big (but lovable) problem, I think. Maybe if you make the rock pathway for most of the dogs' traffic , then you could have planting areas with a yew, hostas, maybe even monkshood, which could take a little bruising but not full-time rough treatment. Anywhere near Mountain Home? (Friends/family live around there)
Thanks, Ill try that pennywort. I just got a load of flat rock. Im still working on a flower garden, guarded by an electric fence. It works real well. Its a small world!!