I plan to plant 200 Cedar and Spruce seedlings 6" - 10" come Spring in Springfield Manitoba. Is there a product that will boost their resistance to transplant shock. If so how do I obtain? Any other planting tips?
Shouldn't be necessary, just plant them. Cedar won't be hardy in Manitoba, even the hardiest (Cedrus libani var. stenocoma) is only zone 6 hardy. Try Balsam Fir or Red Pine as a substitute.
I would agree with Michael by just planting them. I wouldn't bother with anything else. Just ensure that they are watered frequently in the summer to ensure root establishment. After that they can fend for themselves as far as water needs. I would imagine the Cedar your referring to would be Northern White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) which is not a true cedar at all. They are commonly named that but would be less confusing if they were just called Thujas.