Hiya, I have three desert candle cacti. They are in a large planter on my living room table. My problem is, since they don't have huge, threatening needles I have a cat that loves chewing on plants. I have a baby saguaro planted in the some planter, which he is obviously leaving alone. But more chew marks keep appearing on the poor desert candles, and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to keep my cat from chewing on the desert candles? Since they are pretty good sized in a large planter I can't move them higher. My two grafted cacti are up pretty high because he kept chewing on them, too. They are doing very well now. But I can't help the desert candles because of the size. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! Lakota
Have you tried any of the deterrents from the pet store, like bitter apple spray? Also make sure kitty has plenty of alternatives that he is allowed to chew. Good luck,
No, I haven't tried any. But I'm considering putting a small fence around the edges of the planter and see if he gets bored with it. He has alot of stuff to play and chew on, but he just preferrs plants for some reason. I think I might try something like placing oranges around the planter, he hates the smell of oranges, I guess it's the citrus? My female kitty was sniffing the desert candles and she got poked on the nose, she hasn't messed with any of the cacti ever since. :-P Danny's just a stubborn little cat I guess. Thanks! Lakota
I gave my cats some of their own little plants, catnip and stuff they like to eat. They eat those instead my plants. The fence would work and I think they chew less as they get older.
Hi, I second Eric's idea. If you get a spider plant (they are cheap and fast growing) I assure you that your cat will forget ALL about the cacti once the spider plant starts throwing off babies. And spider plants are totally safe for the cat too. Perhaps combine the cat having it's own plants with a spray bottle for when it goes near the cactus. Michael
I'd be more concerned about the cat, than the 'catci' - many cacti are poisonous and/or addictive, one only needs think of peyote (likewise thornless). Can you rig up some sort of wire cage to keep the cat off? Orange peel alone may well be enough, if replaced regularly to keep it reasonably fresh; that could be placed in a ring right round the cacti.
Agreed. I believe this cactus is a member of Euphorbia. If this one is anything like some of the others, its sap will be an irritant and also possibly poisonous.
He hasn't chewed through it, he just likes biting it a bit but not enough to make the sap come out. He's been leaving it alone since I put orange peel in the planter. Believe me, I'm not ignorant, I would've been losing it if he would've chewed it really bad. He's almost 9 years old so I'm not so sure about them chewing less as they get older. :-P Silly cats. I'll see about getting some catnip plants for him. :-D Thanks, Lakota