I have a copy of a 1895 carnivorous plants chromolithograph print. The names of the plants are too blury at the bottom of the picture and they are in German so I'm sure I wouldn't understand it even if I could make out the letters. The picture is attached. If anyone knows the names of the plants and flowers in the picture I would appreciate the information you can provide. I think I know several but I'm not positive. Also, if anyone has a picture of the actual blooms or where I can find good closeup pictures I would appreciate the help. Thanks in advance for your help.
Disclaimer: These answers are more or less educated guesses based on personal observation, reference to guides (either on-line or printed) & a long-ago Botanical education. If you need accurate, forensic identification, there is probably an expert in your area who can provide you with a written report you may be able to be use in a court of law. Errors & Omissions Excepted. Caveat Lector. ...does that cover my rear end? Blue flower - rosette leaves. Pinguicula. If European, probably vulgaris Aquatic plant in lower mid left. Utricularia inflatum or vulgaris 2 species of N. Am. "Pitcher Pl;ants" Sarrecenia sp. Lower left. Sundew, possibly Drosera rotundifolia. ...nice print BTW. I'm jealous. gb
You've probably already guessed the Venus Flytrap (Dioneae muscipula) in the lower right. The aquatic one is a type of bladderwort (and I see that GB's already called it; I'd say U. vulgaris given that the original language of the print is German.) On the far right, the pitchers with what look like fishtail trap covers are likely Darlingtonia californica. On the far left, the pitchers above the Sundew look like Sarracenia spp. To the immediate left of the Venus Flytrap, with the purple flower, might be a Butterwort (Pinguicula spp) The big pitcher front-and-center looks like a Nepenthes spp as do the shorter ones to its right. There are about 150 species, so I'm not calling it any finer than that.
Thanks for the replies so far. I don't need super scientific accurate answers. I'm a cake decorator and this is going to be an inspiration piece for a wedding cake. I'm just trying to figure out all the plants so that I can recreate them in sugar.
Here is a site selling the print, who lists the names of the plants (or at least the names of the plants at the time the artwork was created.) http://www.vintage-views.com/eshop/product.php?productid=50060&cat=425&page=1
Goodwitch - I like it. Will you be able to post a picture of that cake? Your need for the plant names puts a bit of perspective on the namin' flamin' debate on this forum. It always helps to know why we need to know these things! edleigh7 - Disclaimers, waivers, provisos, caveats, liability...I'm fed up with them all...hence the header on my message. I'm glad someone spotted the humour in it. The scary thing is that many folk might not! gb
Yes, I will post a picture of the cake when I am done. It is about 5 months away but I will make sure I come back and post. I thought the disclaimer was hilarious!