I am interested in developing signeage for our newest addition to the children's garden..a native carnivorous plant collection that growns in the piedmont area of north carolina. This will be used as an educational tool for the children and public that view these gardens. Do you have any suggestions or pictures that will help us display an area like i am describing? What examples does anyone have on how to make a sign that identifies these plants to the public? thank you connie
Well, the most well known cp is the Dionaea (venus flytrap). So I would suggest a simple Dionaea picture, and maybe some big bloody letters saying Carnivorous plants (grusome, and very attractive to young children!). Good luck!
I presume you know what the plants are. Take a full plant image and take a close up of some feature of the plant that gives it distinction. do you have Photo Impression on your computer. Or you can use the software imaging program that came with your digital camera (I am presuming you have a digital). Then you need to determine the size of the sign in pixels. For example 800 pixels by 500 pixels which is close to what the screen you are viewing below the top toolbars is sized at. Then you will need to resize your images of each of the plants-that is 2 images per plant. Make them about 1/2 the size of the page (400 wide with automatic adjustment on height). Then you will need to create a blank page. Edit the background color to suit your tastes. then save the blank page then select an image to add to the blank page and while in the select mode move it to a location on the page, suggest either right side or left side-not center then add the special feature image to the same page after closing the previous image-move the special feature image to any spot on the page even overlapping the other image. Then add text do a heading: such as Venus Fly Trap-Dionaea muscipula Then add description, range of occurence, how it traps insects. etc <img src="http://jsionline.freeservers.com/bogpage2.jpg">
oops guess the programming won't work in this page in this forum. anyhow. once the page is formatted to your liking. Print it out then laminate the page both sides and attach a wire or bamboo stick to stick it behind the plant in the bog.