Caring for Murraya Koenigii

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by aromaofspices, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. aromaofspices

    aromaofspices Member

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    CO, USA

    I am so new to gardening and I have just bought a Murraya Koenigii plant. It is a very young plant in a 2 and half inch pot. I am yet to move this plant to a bigger pot.

    I want to know how to care for this plant. I bought a - Organic MiracleGro potting mix today and am not sure - now - if I can use it.

    Please Please help me get started with this plant.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    There are many threads about this plant on the forums and some of them have really good info. You can find them by using the search function (on the green bar at the top). There has been a lot of interest in this plant recently for the tasty leaves.

    As far as planting it regular potting soil for house plants should be fine I think, so the soil you have would be fine, but do take a look at some of the posts on the forums. They will give you better info than me.
  3. beachbirdee

    beachbirdee Member

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    Oregon USA
    I purchased a couple of murraya plants in 2.5" pots about a month ago. I moved them up to 4.5" pots as per the instructions of the nursery from which I purchased them. They seem to be doing fine, I just put them in a regular good quality all-purpose potting mix that does NOT contain any fertilizers (my brand is Whitney Farms organic).

    If you go to the search button at the top of the page, enter "murraya" in the window. It will bring up a lot of posts on care of this plant. You can also do a Google search ("murraya koenigii care" (try substituting "culture" for "care" for a little different result).

    Good luck!

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