Anybody ... A friend returned from the Caribbean island of St. John, with this plant. A local, calling it "____ of Life", gave it to her to help with a cold. She ate several leaves. She didn't get any sicker;) She described it as being very bitter. I haven't tried it. Leaves are fleshy, with a stem and leaf edges that are more deeply purple than the photo shows. She said it grows like a shrub with a "woody" structure - much like a jade plant. The soil on the roots was sandy. It appears to be fast growing - I've had it for about 3 days and it's already starting to produce new leaves. Anybody know what it is? Thx.
Looks and sounds rather like Kalanchoe daigremontiana. I wouldn't eat that. It's poisonous: Could be something else. Kalanchoe daigremontiana forms tiny plantlets at the indentations along its leaf edges -- a very distinctive trait. You did not mention that in your description although the plant in the photo looks too young for that.
Thx Eric - Caribbean Plant ID - Solved Thx Eric, Looks like you are on the mark. calls it the "Good Luck Plant". Wikipedia has a great photo of the leaf and young plants produced along that edge. Various photos show the sawtoothed, purple edged leaf.Kalanchoe daigremontiana is in fact poisonous! No more eating plants while on vacation! Thanks again for identifying my plant:) David