Hi there, I've just purchased an Echinopsis oxygona/multiplex (?). It came in a 1 gallon nursery pot, and I would like to repot it into something more decorative and shallower. Would trimming off some of the roots (if they fill the pot that is) be a big no-no? Also I have read that they bloom late spring. Yes/No? Should I therefore wait to repot? The mother plant is almost obscured by offsets, should I remove some? I have general care instructions, but would appreciate more detailed info, and what their preference is for potting mix. I've been on the internet, but have not found much detailed info about E. oxygona, so anyone familiar with them, well, I would love to hear from you.
Hi, Not an expert… but unless it’s a REALLY big cactus then there is no way a gallon pot will be filled. How much smaller is the pot you want to put it in? You likely could remove a bunch of the soil from the roots and make it fit the new pot. Incase you do need to cut the roots, water the plant a few days before, use totally clean scissors to cut the roots and then don’t water it for a good while after the transplant. Use regular cactus mix from the store as soil. Dry roots planted into dry soil will let the roots callus over and prevent rot. Michael PS, can you post a pic?
No pic posting capability, but I did take your advice and did the job. I read on an echinopsis site that they like deep pots which goes against most cacti advice. I purchased a pot somewhat smaller as I thought that 1 gallon was ridiculously large. I hosed off the roots and potted 'er up. Waited a week before watering and voila, she's a happy camper. It's been several weeks now and all looks good, so thanks for the advice.