Hi, I received a daphne o marginata plant about six months ago. I planted it in a large pot with a mixture of dirt and alot of sand. It seems to be doing ok. But I need to know if I should fertilize, when will it bloom,it looks like it is gettung buds now, but maybe its just new leaves. What kind of exposure is the best for it, etc. Thank you darlene
I have one of those, Darlene. It is on the east side of our western fence, so it gets a bit of morning sun. Have only thrown compost at it occasionally over the years. And maybe caught it with a spray of MiracleGro when I was in my "spray everything with MiracleGro phase. Daphne does not grow fast. It blooms early in the year. Like most plants, the older it is, the better it tolerates drought. Doesn't need special attention.
Thank you Debbie, I have mine on my patio, so it does not get any sun at all. It seems to be doing pretty well, so I think I will leave it there until it needs to repotted and then maybe try the east side of my house.