I have a mature Caragana arborescens ( Weeping Siberian Pea Tree ) that was severly pruned by someone who didn't know what he was doing. Before he chopped it, it had long branches hanging to the ground.It was a most beautiful tree.Now,2yrs. later, it grows straight up,with 2 or 3 small branches trying to hang down.I was wondering if anyone knows,are these grafted trees?I suspect they are..But can't find anything that looks like a graft on the tree. Anyway,If this was a grafted tree,is there anyway I could take peices from the few remaining hanging branches and graft to the main trunk?I have never tryed grafting before,but would like to learn.And, can some one advise me as to when and how to do this?
As you have never grafted before, you would be much better off T-budding. T-budding is a rather simple procedure, and the easiest for beginners. Even as a beginner you should have a 30 to 50 percent success rate. Goggle T-bud, or T-Budding, and you will find a wealth of information. - Millet