Does anybody know how I could identify my plant.It looks exactly like a Trumpet Vine, but the green foilage is much longer than the creeping vine and mine does not creap. Some of the foilage are ten to twelve inches in length.
I can take a picture of the plant but not sure how to add it to this site .I meant that the plant does not appear to be a creeper .It is an indoor plant and it just seems to bloom in June and usually just one huge orange/pink bloom.If anyone can help me to post a pic of it I would appreciate it thanks for the reply. Casandra
Re: Updated: How to Attach Images This is the plant I want identified,or at least I hope I did the attachment thing right. Thanks again Casandra
Not Epiphyllum in the botanical sense. See my postings on the thread
Hi Michael F,I want to thank you ever so much for identifying my plant,now I can search for info on how to get it to bloom more than one bloom at a time,while I had it as a hanging plant it had quite a few blooms but never all at once ,only one at a time.Since I put this plant on a table in my picture window it only had one bloom in the last year and that is the bloom that is in the pic I posted.Maybe if I take the advice of the postings I have read since you identified my plant I might have some success with it ,thanks again . Casandra