Hello, I rescued this plant from the trash at my work, i believe it is a succulant plant. The leaves are falling off though, just from carrying it. I did repot it, can you tell me what it is and maybe some idea's to nurse it back to health? Thanks, Gina.
Closer picture probably needed. Succulents subject to getting too cold and wet, starting to rot. Another thing that happens is they aren't watered at all, being succulents, and go downhill from that.
I can't tell what plant it might be, but it does look like it has succulent leaves. I'd put it where it will be in really bright light at first. I don't think I'd subject it to any direct sun at this point until you can get it more on the healthy side, then move it to more and more light as it improves.
Planting with artificial light! I try to grow plant under the artificial light.I need 1-the lightning source 2- kind of material for plant root 3- any useful point Thank you
I think its a succulent. I seen a small version at the store which is like a vine but I cant remember the real name.