Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this so please correct me if it's not. I just got this plant as a gift and i have no idea what it is. Its leaves are thin, and green with yellow on the tips. And it has long branches, but they are straight not curly. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
Ok, so after a long and tiring internet search i came up with this picture that looks almost exactly like my plant. http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/850/882569.JPG It says it's Ficus pumila. I searched a lit of bit more but i can't seem to find this plant temperature range anywhere. Is anyone of you familiar with this plant and can tell me a bit more?
i found the following: http://www.floridata.com/ref/F/ficu_pum.cfm http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2029/