Though it is sort of hard to make out from these pictures, these big, green leaves are growing from a stalk/trunk that is almost completely severed from the base of the plant. I assume that the leaves are getting moisture/nutrients from the air through roots that grow out of the trunk above where it has broken (sort of like some orchids do?)... I am trying to identify the plant to see if I could repot the broken trunk in soil... Any help in identifying the plant (or advice on how to help save it) would be much appreciated!! Thanks!!
Looks to me like Monstera. I haven't got any experience growing it. No doubt another poster can help you out with saving it.
Looks like a Philodendron selloum/Philodendron bipinnatifidum selloum.jpg
Third'd - Philodendrom bipinnatifidum. You can absolutely replant the severed trunk - just make sure that it's calloused over before you do, to prevent rot. I'll also add that the plant probably broke its stalk under its own weight. Most Philos, this one included, are climbing plants - if you give it some support or something to climb, it will be much happier for it. I recently came in from the jungle where I saw a mature P. bipinnatifidum that had just about taken over its host tree.
Thank you so much Poetry to Burn, Bluewing & Lorax! I am new to the UBC Forums, and was so excited to wake up and find that mystery plant had been identified!