A friend phone to ask me if I could identify a plant growing in her garden. After she described it, I thought it could well be a lysimachia - the yellow loosestrife. However, we stopped in to have a look and this plant is a new one. It is 21/2 feet tall and has only one stalk. The blossoms are groups of yellowish 1/2 inch bell-like flowers with purple stamens and pistils. The blossoms grow right out of the stalk just above the leaves which are thistly-like and somewhat rough feeling, but not prickly and not fuzzy. Except that it is much larger and the blossoms more yellow, it does resemble the lysimachia, but from the information given me, it is probably an annual. Since this is early June in Zone 3 and this plant is already blooming and appears to have the beginnings of countless seeds, I expect it is not something we want despite its interesting looks. I'm sorry I still don't have a digital camera to take a picture. Any ideas? Thank You.
Sorry, drawing a blank. Are the flower parts in multiples of 3, 4 or 5 (or more)? Are the leaves arranged opposite or alternate? Are the flowers sessile or on a short or long peduncle (i.e., do they seem to be sitting right on the stem from where they emerge, or are they on a stalk)?
Hello! Daniel Flower parts are in multiples of three to five and are sessile. When first opened, the golden/yellow flowers appear sprinkled with pepper. After opening fully more like dark lines in petals. The leaves are serrated and are now 8 to 12 inches long at the bottom of the plant - which is now close to 4 feet tall and growing. We are going to get a picture of this plant to you by next week we hope. Thank You
Are the leaves big - or rather, are the leaves nearer the base big? If so, it could be a Verbascum. I agree with Daniel - without a picture of the blooms and the leaves and the whole plant, I am shooting in the dark here.
Daniel and Weekend Gardener I am getting a photograph of this plant tomorrow and will scan it. I have sent pictures by email, but haven't a clue how to scan and send to this website. Could someone educate me about this? It isn't a Verbascum - that is mullein, right? We have multitudes of that about.
How to Attach Images - very similar to an email, actually. You just need to be certain to wait for the image to upload to the server.
Daniel Sending Pictures - I hope. I'm not pleased with the colours, but this is what scanned. I note that the flowers higher up the stem have now grown a stalk!