Hello- I received this plant as a gift and it was in my office for quite a long time. It survived very nicely without any sunlight in my office and infrequent waterings. I then moved across the country to New York City and it didn't do too well on the drive. I was wondering if anyone here could identify it so that I could get some information on it and try to nurse it back to help. Thanks for any help you can provide. Micah
The photo is a bit dark but I think that is a Spathiphyllum, often called, "Peace Lily". It's probably tougher then you are! They don't enjoy bright light and some of the leaf damage in the photo may be caused from moving from a darker office to a brighter location. They like water and are often grown in vases of water by hobbiests. In a stratum it is best to water the pot till it runs through and then let it dry back. If the pot does not have drainage, water only when leaves show wilt and then very sparingly as often as needed. When the soil is continuously wet, they are subject to root rot(Phytophthera sp.) and stem rots like Rhizoctonia. But it takes determination and thoroughly bad practices to induce such. I suspect you just need to move it out of the light or the air movement that is now troubling it.
I dont think it is a peace lilly as I also have a peace lilly and there are distinct differences. I will try to get a better picture posted tonight. The differences seem to be that this plant has about an 8" stalk to it (about an inch thick) before the leaves begin to bloom. There are about 4 stalks that size and then another couple that are smaller. Again, I'll try to get a picture with some better light. Thanks, Micah
it looks more like a Dumbcane .. Dieffenbachia .. google that and see if it is .. and you will find some info on them .. they are kinda a touchy plant .. Marn