I have a plant in my back yard that I would like to identify. It has berries on it and am afraid my kids might eat them. Unless I am sure it is not poisonous, I don't want them near, so, any help is much appreciated. I have taken close up pictures of the berries and the leaves so hopefully one of you more experienced folks will be able to help.
Prunus virginiana (or closely related species). If so, fruits are suitable for human consumption (seeds are better discarded though due to being mildly poisonous).
Thank you for the response. I think you are right as I tried Googling the name and found pictures which seem to match what I have. I guess we'll see if telling the kids not to eat the seeds will be sufficient. Otherwise the plant will have to go.
If the kids swallow a cherry stone, it'll just go straight through and out the other end without causing problems. Poisoning can only happen if you crack open the stones and chew up the kernels. The English name Choke Cherry gives a hint that the cherries aren't the tastiest you can get - decidedly bitter. So even if the kids do eat them, they'll likely just spit them straight back out.
Good point, but kids these days like to eat things called "Warheads", which are extremely sour candy. Chances are they probably won't crack open the stone though. Thanks.
Many fruits we consume every day have seeds that have toxic/poisonous substances in them, mainly in their seeds. As long as we don't chew on the seeds, they are not dangerous to our health, even if swallowed. Apples, pears, sweet cherries, and many other fruits, belong in this category http://chemistry.about.com/b/2007/09/12/yes-apple-seeds-and-cherry-pits-are-poisonous.htm. All those fruits are safe to eat, naturally we do not chew on the seeds. The fruits of Prunus virginiana aren't an exception, however it is difficult to find information if the toxins in the seeds of Prunus virginiana are more concentrated than in other, commonly eaten fruit seeds, or not.
Oh wow, I did not know that many everyday fruits also have poisonous seeds. Thanks for sharing this info. I guess poisonous seeds is more common than I thought.