Bought two house plants a week ago from an English garden centre which were just labelled 'green house plants'. Can any one tell me what they are, please - so I can water/care for appropriately? Very many thanks for all help, suggestions, advice given. David
The first one is Calathea rubrosa, and the second is a Ctenanthe of some description, most likely a cultivar of C. setosa. Both belong to the Maranta family, and their needs are similar - soil that drains well, and water when that soil is dry to the depth of your first knuckle. Full sun is not kind to these plants, but since they're indoors I doubt that it will be an issue - in the jungles here, plants of the Maranta family grow in almost full shade in the understory of much larger trees.
Thank you so much. You are the first person in Ecuador I have ever had contact with, and I have been around a long time, smile. David
I live in Scotland - a place called Langholm which is just over the SW border about 20 miles from Carlisle - where I have been for 10 years. But, I am afraid, a Londoner by birth. All the best, David